Thursday, July 15, 2010

What causes an ingrown hair?

What causes ingrown hair is not a mystery. There are several causes listed below and there are several ways to remove ingrown hairs.

What causes ingrown hairs?

Too much oil in the hair follicles can cause ingrown hairs. Make sure you clean your face and other affected areas often to remove excess oil.

Lack of skin moisture can cause ingrown hairs to develop. Try drinking plenty of water to improve your skin moisture.

Sometimes using wax, electrolysis or tweezing can cause skin irritation. During the healing process, hairs may get caught in the healing skin.

People that have stiff hair or thick hair may be prone to ingrown hairs. Men should shave their face each day if they are having problems with ingrown hairs.

A build up of dead skin cells can cause ingrown hairs. By using a wash cloth during a shower or bath you can help remove dead skin.

If you shave, make sure your blade is not too sharp. I know this sounds wrong but if you take too much skin off there is a good chance that you will develop ingrown hairs.

What can be done about ingrown hairs?

Use a non-oily moisturizer often. Keeping your skin moist will help prevent ingrown hairs.

Before removing hairs, allow them to grow longer.

There are several ways to remove hair, so try some of the following techniques and see which ones work best. Creams, shaving, electrolysis, tweezing and laser hair removal are all good methods to prevent ingrown hair.

Exfoliate your skin often.

Clean your skin often. Take care to clean your skin in areas that are prone to ingrown hairs especially after a workout.


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